Why Does My Back Hurt After Using A Massage Chair?

If you have ever used a massage chair, you might have experienced some back pain afterward.

This can be frustrating and confusing, especially if you were expecting to feel relaxed.

You might wonder why your back hurts after using a massage chair, and what can you do to prevent or reduce it.

In this article, we will explore some of the possible causes of back pain after using a massage chair, and offer some tips on how to use a massage chair safely and effectively

Why Does My Back Hurt After Using a Massage Chair? 

After using a massage chair, your back might hurt for a few reasons.

The chair’s deep massage can make your muscles feel sore, similar to after exercising. The massage also increases blood flow, which can briefly cause some inflammation.

Your body might take time to adjust to the relaxation, leading to muscle soreness.

Also, sitting improperly during the massage or using the chair too much can strain your back muscles and make them hurt.

Please let us shed some light on the details of why you feel back pain after using a massage chair.

5 Causes of Back Pain After Using a Massage Chair

Let’s dive into the five possible causes of back pain that may occur after using a massage chair.

1. Muscle Tension Release

Ever heard of the phrase “no pain, no gain”? Well, it applies here too. When you’re enjoying that deep-tissue massage, those knots, and kinks in your muscles are finally giving in.

While it’s a sign of progress, this muscle tension release can leave you feeling slightly sore after the massage.

The back pain after using massage chair may be due to Muscle Tension Release

Think of it as a workout for your muscles – they’re getting stronger, but a touch of soreness is par for the course.

2. Inflammation Reaction

Massage chairs can work wonders in improving blood circulation.

However, increased blood flow can also lead to a temporary inflammatory response.

Don’t fret! This is your body’s way of healing itself. It’s like a little storm before the rainbow, and the discomfort should subside within a day or so.

3. DOMS – Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

Do you know that satisfying ache you feel after a good workout?

Well, your massage chair session can trigger a similar effect. DOMS is the body’s reaction to unfamiliar or intense activities, and your muscles might just be adjusting to their newfound relaxation.

Just remember, this is your body’s way of saying, “Hey, I’m getting better!”

4. Overuse Woes

We get it – massage chairs are addictive. But like all good things, moderation is key.

prolonged sitting in massage chairs can cause back pain

Using a massage chair excessively or for prolonged periods can lead to overworked muscles and a cranky back.

Remember, too much of a good thing can sometimes have less-than-desirable consequences.

5. Ergonomics Matter

Believe it or not, your posture while using a massage chair matters.

If you’re slouching or sitting in an awkward position, you might be adding unnecessary strain to your back muscles.

A poor setup can lead to discomfort, so sit up straight and let the chair do its magic.

How to Reduce Back Pain After Using a Massage Chair?

Here are five effective methods to alleviate back pain that might arise after a massage chair session:

1. Ease into It

When your soothing massage chair session comes to an end, take it slow.

Avoid abrupt movements and give your body a moment to adjust. Gently transition from the chair to a standing position, letting your muscles acclimate without strain.

This gradual shift can prevent any sudden jolts that might cause discomfort in your back muscles.

2. Stay Hydrated

Water isn’t just essential for quenching your thirst; it can also aid in minimizing post-massage discomfort.

drink water after using massage chair to reduce back pain

Drinking ample water helps flush out toxins released during the massage process, facilitating the natural recovery of your muscles.

Staying hydrated is like giving your body a helping hand in healing.

3. Gentle Stretching

Think of your muscles as elastic bands that need a little stretching after a massage.

Engage in light, gentle stretches to maintain muscle flexibility and alleviate any residual tension that the massage might have stirred up.

These easy stretches can be your ticket to a more comfortable post-massage experience.

4. Use Heat Therapy

Heat can work wonders in easing muscle soreness.

Applying a warm compress to your back or enjoying a relaxing warm bath can help relax tightened muscles, increase blood circulation, and contribute to an overall sense of well-being.

Heat therapy is like a comforting embrace for your muscles, promoting relaxation and relief.

5. Mind Your Posture

Even after your massage chair session, proper posture remains important.

Take care of your posture even after using massage chair

Maintain good posture while sitting, standing, and moving throughout the day.

This conscious effort can prevent unnecessary strain on your back muscles, ensuring that the benefits of your massage chair experience last longer.

6. Moderation is Key

As tempting as it might be to indulge in your massage chair’s comfort continuously, remember that moderation is your ally.

Excessive use of the massage chair can lead to overworked muscles.

Allow your muscles ample time to recover between sessions for a more balanced and beneficial experience.

7. Listen to Your Body

Your body is your best guide. If back pain persists or worsens despite these measures, it’s wise to seek professional guidance.

Consulting a healthcare expert can provide personalized insights.

Prioritizing your well-being ensures that you make the most out of your massage chair sessions without compromising on comfort.

Proper Use of Massage Chair

Proper Posture Variety is Key Gentle Warm-up
Ensure your spine is aligned while using the chair. Don’t stick to just one massage program; mix it up. Do a few light stretches before your session.
Place a small cushion for added lumbar support. Experiment with different intensity levels. Let the chair work on gradually increasing pressure.
Keep your feet flat on the ground for stability. Focus on different muscle groups each time. Prep your muscles for a more intense massage.


In the world of relaxation, a massage chair can bring both comfort and puzzling discomfort.

Remember, your back might ache after the soothing session due to muscle tension release, inflammation response, or even your body’s adaptation process.

Being mindful of your posture and avoiding overuse can make a difference.


Why Does My Body Hurt After Sitting in a Massage Chair?

Experiencing discomfort after a massage chair session is common. The chair’s vigorous movements can release muscle tension and increase blood flow, causing temporary soreness.

Can a Massager Cause Back Pain?

While massage chairs are designed to provide relief, improper use or excessive pressure can lead to back pain.

It’s crucial to adjust the chair settings to your comfort level and avoid intense sessions if you have a pre-existing back condition.

Are There Any Side Effects of a Massage Chair?

Using a massage chair correctly usually comes with minimal side effects.

However, some users might experience temporary soreness, fatigue, or mild bruising due to intense massages.

It’s advised to start with gentler settings and gradually increase the intensity to prevent any potential discomfort.

Who Shouldn’t Use Massage Chairs?

Massage chairs may not be suitable for everyone.

Pregnant women, those with certain medical conditions like fractures, severe osteoporosis, or blood clotting disorders, and those with recent surgeries should avoid using massage chairs.

Are Massage Chairs Good for a Bad Back?

Massage chairs can be beneficial for a bad back, but caution is advised. Consult with a healthcare provider before using a massage chair, especially if you have chronic back issues.

Gentle massages and proper settings can help alleviate discomfort, but intense sessions could exacerbate existing problems.

Is It OK to Use a Massage Chair Every Day?

Using a massage chair daily can be safe if done correctly. Opt for shorter sessions with moderate intensity to avoid overworking your muscles.

Listen to your body and discontinue if you experience persistent discomfort.

If you have any underlying medical conditions, it’s wise to seek advice from a healthcare professional before incorporating daily use into your routine.

Why Does My Back Hurt After Using A Massage Chair?

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About the author

I am Dr. Arjun Patel. Sharing my 20+ years of experience in Massage & Physical Therapy. I am an active member of the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA). To learn more about me and our team, visit the about us page. Click here to contact me for questions, concerns, and consultation






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