Is it OK to Massage Achilles Tendonitis? Let’s Find Out

Achilles tendonitis, a condition that causes discomfort and restricts mobility, is a common concern for many.

If you’re one of those seeking relief or exploring treatment options, you may have wondered, “Is it OK to massage Achilles tendonitis?”

In this article, we will explore this question and provide you with essential insights on the subject.

Is it OK to Massage Achilles Tendonitis?

In short, yes, it can be beneficial to massage Achilles tendonitis. However, it’s crucial to do it correctly.

Massaging the Achilles tendon can help relieve pain, reduce inflammation, alleviate stiffness, and aid in the recovery process.

Let’s explore how to perform a safe and effective Achilles tendonitis massage step by step.

How to Massage Achilles Tendonitis?

Massage can be a valuable addition to your Achilles tendonitis treatment regimen, but the key lies in executing it correctly and consistently. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to massage Achilles tendonitis:

Step 1. Prepare Your Space

Begin by creating a serene atmosphere. Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lie down.

Begin by creating a serene atmosphere

Have a soft towel, some massage oil or lotion, and a chair nearby to support your massage session.

Step 2. Warm up the Area

Gently warm up your calf muscles and Achilles tendon to make them more responsive to the massage. Apply heat for about 10-15 minutes.

You can achieve this by using a heating pad or simply taking a warm shower.

Step 3. Proper Positioning

Sit on a chair with your feet flat on the floor.

To optimize the relaxation of the Achilles tendon, elevate the affected leg on another chair or cushion.

This positioning minimizes strain during the massage.

Step 4. Apply Massage Oil

Apply a small amount of massage oil or lotion to your hands and the area surrounding the Achilles tendon.

Ensure that your hands are impeccably clean and your nails are neatly trimmed to avoid any unnecessary irritation.

Step 5. Gentle Technique

The Achilles tendon is a sensitive area, so be gentle. Use small, circular motions to massage the region around the tendon.

Begin with light pressure and gradually increase it as your body tolerates it.

Step 6. Focus on Knots and Tight Spots

If you encounter knots or tight spots during your massage, don’t rush past them. Spend extra time on these areas.

Continue with the circular motion, gradually increasing the pressure to relieve tension.

Continue with the circular motion, gradually increasing the pressure to relieve tension.

Step 7. Incorporate Stretching

While massaging, gently stretch the Achilles tendon by flexing your foot up and down. This stretching action can significantly reduce stiffness and enhance your tendon’s flexibility.

Step 8. Massage Duration

For your initial sessions, aim for a massage duration of 10-15 minutes. As you grow accustomed to the process, gradually extend the session duration.

However, always listen to your body and avoid overexertion.

Step 9. Finish with Rest

After the massage, allow your Achilles tendon to rest for a while. Refrain from engaging in strenuous activities immediately after the session.

Rest is vital for the healing process and to avoid any potential strain.

Benefits of Massaging Achilles Tendonitis

Massage offers numerous benefits for Achilles tendonitis. Let’s have a closer look at some of these benefits.

1. Pain Relief

Massaging the affected area helps to alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with Achilles tendonitis.

Massaging the affected area helps to alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with Achilles tendonitis.

It’s like a natural painkiller that eases your suffering and allows you to move more comfortably.

2. Reduced Inflammation

Proper massage techniques not only provide pain relief but also work to reduce inflammation.

By gently manipulating the affected area, you can promote faster healing and recovery by calming the inflammatory response.

3. Improved Blood Circulation

Massage is a fantastic way to enhance blood circulation.

The increased blood flow carries essential nutrients and oxygen to the injured Achilles tendon, facilitating its repair and regeneration.

4. Stress Reduction

Beyond physical benefits, the relaxation induced by massage can work wonders in reducing stress. Stress can exacerbate the pain and discomfort associated with Achilles tendonitis.

A soothing massage not only eases physical tension but also calms the mind.

5. Enhanced Flexibility

Regular massages can do wonders for your Achilles tendon’s flexibility.

By gently stretching and manipulating the tissue, you can reduce stiffness and regain a wider range of motion, making daily activities easier and less painful.

6. Faster Recovery

When Achilles tendonitis is massaged correctly, it can significantly speed up the recovery process.

This means you can return to your regular activities, sports, and hobbies sooner, with reduced pain and discomfort.

Also Read:

Risks of Massaging Achilles Tendonitis

It’s crucial to be aware of the potential risks associated with massaging Achilles tendonitis. Here’s a tabular breakdown:

Risks Explanations
Increased Inflammation Aggressive or improper massaging can worsen swelling.
Excessive Pressure Applying too much pressure can damage the tendon.
Infection Dirty hands or unclean equipment can lead to infection.
Aggravating the Condition Overzealous massage may worsen Achilles tendonitis.

When to Avoid Massaging Achilles Tendonitis?

Understanding when to avoid massaging Achilles tendonitis is equally important. Let’s have a look:

  • Acute Inflammation: If your Achilles tendonitis is acutely inflamed, avoid massaging to prevent further irritation.
  • Open Wounds: Do not massage if there are any open wounds or sores in the affected area.
  • Recent Surgery: After Achilles tendon surgery, consult your healthcare professional before attempting any massage.
  • Severe Pain: If the pain is severe, consult a healthcare provider before massaging.


In conclusion, massaging Achilles tendonitis can be beneficial when done correctly. However, it’s essential to be cautious and mindful of the risks involved.

If you have any doubts or concerns, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional before attempting self-massage.

Remember, the key to successful treatment lies in informed, safe, and responsible practices.


Does Massaging Help with Achilles Tendonitis?

Yes, massaging can help with Achilles tendonitis. A gentle massage can reduce pain, inflammation, and stiffness in the Achilles tendon, providing relief.

Where Do You Massage for Achilles Tendonitis?

You should massage the area around the Achilles tendon, which is located in the back of your ankle. Use circular motions and focus on the sore spots.

What Worsens Achilles Tendonitis?

Achilles tendonitis can worsen if you do high-impact activities like running, wear improper footwear, or neglect rest and recovery after exercise.

Overusing or straining the tendon can also make it worse.

What Not to Do with Achilles Tendonitis?

Avoid activities that strain the Achilles tendon, such as excessive running or jumping. Also, don’t ignore pain or skip proper warm-up and cool-down routines.

Should You Push Through Achilles Tendonitis?

No, you should not push through Achilles tendonitis.

Pushing through the pain can worsen the condition. It’s important to rest, apply ice, and consider gentle stretching and massaging for relief.

If the pain persists, consult a healthcare professional.

Is it OK to Massage Achilles Tendonitis

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About the author

I am Dr. Arjun Patel. Sharing my 20+ years of experience in Massage & Physical Therapy. I am an active member of the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA). To learn more about me and our team, visit the about us page. Click here to contact me for questions, concerns, and consultation






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