Is a Massage Chair FSA Eligible? Let’s Find Out

Are you considering buying a massage chair for yourself or a loved one? If so, maybe you wonder if it is eligible for reimbursement through your Flexible Spending Account (FSA).

Massage chairs are usually eligible for FSA benefits. But, there are some crucial details to know before making the purchase.

In this article, you will look at what FSA is and how to apply for reimbursement on a massage chair purchase.

Is a Massage Chair FSA Eligible?

A Flexible Spending Account (FSA) is a tax-advantaged financial account that allows employees to contribute pre-tax dollars from their paychecks to pay for eligible out-of-pocket healthcare expenses.

The question is whether a massage chair is considered an eligible expense that can be covered by an FSA.

Is a Massage Chair FSA Eligible?

So, Is a massage chair FSA eligible? The answer is yes, as long as you provide proof of purchase and a note from your doctor or therapist stating that the massage chair treats a specific medical condition.

For more information, contact your benefits provider.

But did you know that many massage chairs may be eligible for reimbursement through your Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or Health Savings Account (HSA)?

Is a Massage Chair FSA Eligible?

The Process for Applying for FSA Reimbursement

Applying for FSA reimbursement on a massage chair is a fairly straightforward process, designed to be as convenient and accessible as possible. 

Is a Massage Chair FSA Eligible? Process for Applying for FSA Reimbursement on a Massage Chair Purchase?

  1. Obtain necessary documentation from your healthcare provider, including a prescription stating that the purchase of a massage chair is medically necessary.
  2. Confirm that the massage chair is FDA-approved and labeled as a medical device.
  3. Check with your FSA provider to ensure that they accept massage chairs as an eligible expense.
  4. Submit the required documentation to your FSA provider for reimbursement.
  5. Your FSA provider will review the documentation and decide on whether or not to approve the purchase for reimbursement.
  6. If approved, you will receive a notification by mail confirming your approval and outlining any additional steps you may need to take to obtain your reimbursement.
  7. Your FSA provider’s policy may require you to submit invoices or other proof of purchase to receive the full amount of reimbursement.

How to Choose an FSA-Eligible Massage Chair?

When it comes to choosing a massage chair that is eligible for use under a Flexible Spending Account (FSA), there are several factors to consider. 

Is Massage Chair FSA Eligible? How to Choose an FSA-Eligible Massage Chair?

Here is some advice for selecting an FSA-eligible massage chair:

By following these tips, you can make sure that you choose an FSA-eligible massage chair that is right for your needs.

  1. Ensure that the product is approved for medical use. Check with your plan administrator to ensure that the type of massage chair you are considering is eligible for reimbursement under your FSA.
  2. Choose a massage chair based on its therapeutic benefits. Look for features that can help alleviate muscle tension and fatigue, such as full-body massage programs, adjustable intensity settings, and targeted pressure points.
  3. Determine if there is a maximum price limit for FSA-eligible items. It is important to check with your plan administrator for specific information about the rules of your plan before making any purchases.
  4. Ensure that the company is a reputable seller. Look for reviews, customer testimonials, and guarantees when selecting a massage chair.
  5. Remember to consult with your plan administrator before making any purchases to ensure you are using your FSA funds properly.
  6. No matter what product you choose, make sure it is FSA-eligible. This is important because any purchase made with an FSA must meet certain criteria to qualify for reimbursement under the plan. Your plan administrator is the best source of information on which products are eligible for use with your FSA. They can help you determine if the massage chair is FSA-eligible.
  7. By taking the time to research all of your options, you can make an informed decision on which massage chair is right for you and is also eligible for reimbursement under your plan.


1. Is it Possible to Use an FSA to Buy a Massage Chair? 

Yes, it is possible to use a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) to purchase a massage chair. To be eligible for purchase, a licensed healthcare professional must prescribe the use of the massage chair for medical purposes. Additionally, the massage chair must provide therapeutic benefits to qualify for reimbursement under an FSA plan.

2. Is There Any Documentation Required to Purchase a Massage Chair with an FSA?

You will need to submit a prescription from your healthcare provider that specifically outlines the medical purpose of the massage chair and is signed by your healthcare provider.

The prescription must include the type of massage chair, the cost of the purchase, and any specific features that your healthcare provider recommends for your medical condition. 

3. Are all Types of Massage Chairs FSA Eligible? 

No, not all massage chairs are eligible for reimbursement under an FSA plan. Generally, only massage chairs that are specifically designed to provide a medical benefit or therapeutic relief qualify as eligible expenses.

4. Is There a Limit on How Much I Can Spend on My Massage Chair? 

Yes, most FSA plans have an annual limit on the amount you can use towards eligible medical expenses. Check with your plan administrator to find out the maximum amount you can use for your massage chair purchase.


In conclusion, an FSA is a great way to offset the cost of medical treatment and used to purchase a massage chair. However, it is important to research your specific plan to determine if the purchase is eligible and secure a prescription from your healthcare provider before making any purchases. 

With this information in mind, you should now have all the details needed for using an FSA to purchase a massage chair. 

If done correctly, this could help provide relief and therapeutic benefits that would otherwise be too expensive without assistance from an FSA account.

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About the author

I am Dr. Arjun Patel. Sharing my 20+ years of experience in Massage & Physical Therapy. I am an active member of the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA). To learn more about me and our team, visit the about us page. Click here to contact me for questions, concerns, and consultation






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